Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg Sept 29

Hi Everyone

This is a short post today.

1) Was hoping to give you a sneak peek of the new cover but don’t have it as yet.

2) Will be sending a NL Monday as I’m taking part in an mpreg freebie promo. Will also post on FB and twitter.

3) Chose my last pig pic for the Idriador Chronicles bundle out this coming week. OMG so many of those pigs have wet noses especially when you download the pic and see it magnified. Ewww! Haha

4) Ignore me if I moan about pig pics in future. Trying to find the dice pic I wanted for the new book took me hours! One tiny pic and I thought I’d go mad. It has to be the right number and colour and couldn’t show any other numbers!!!!!!

There are five pics on the new cover and I sourced four of them. I really admire designers who spend their time searching for suitable pics.

Here’s a snippet from my work-in-progress.


The crowds surged around a pair of middle-aged tourists arguing and gesturing at a map on their phone while the man stabbed a finger at the screen. Theo hesitated before approaching them. “Hi. May I help? What are you headed?”
The woman flashed a smile but as she caught his scent, it faded, and her eyes darted to her husband. Digging his nails into his palm, Theo stepped around them, but the woman grabbed his arm and gushed, “Thank you. We’re supposed to meet friends at an Indian restaurant.”
As the alpha leaned over the phone and pointed out how to reach their destination, the man put an arm round his wife’s waist and pulled her closer.
“Go around the corner and it’s on your left. Walk up the set of narrow stairs and it’s on the first floor, though you’d probably call it the second. I’ve eaten there and the food’s really good.”
“You’re American?”
“Do you live here?”
“Uh huh.” Theo glanced at his watch. “Enjoy your dinner.” Shoving his hands in his pocket, the alpha strode off.


Not a shocker I know, but I seem to have messed up the linky thing this week. So here is the link to Jena Wade’s post.