Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg Sept 22

Firstly, a little plug for The Alpha’s Vow which is free until late on Sept 25.

And here’s the cover for the Lord Cuthbert ‘Cuddy’ Trenton Halloween freebie short story. This is the fourth Cuddy story and the final two will be at Harvest Festival (Thanksgiving) and Christmas.

A couple of weeks ago I was trying to come up with a title for the pre-made historical cover I had bought. I suggested The Alpha Highwayman but thought it was boring.

Take no notice of anything I say. Haha.

I came up with many different names, but none were as simple or as explicit as The Alpha Highwayman.

So, that is what is has become.

Last week I gave you a hint as to the location of my next book. This is what I said.

And now here’s the second hint.

Okay, enough about covers. Here are the first two paragraphs of my work-in-progress.

Theo pulled up his hoodie and hunched his shoulders as rain spattered between the garish neon signs onto his head. Cold splotches of water, from dripping air-conditioners in the apartments above street level, hit his already-drenched hair and trickled down his back. It’s summer, and I’m freezing.
Despite the crappy weather, the sidewalk was crowded with people, and their plastic shopping bags whacked the alpha as he shoved between the throngs and dodged the spikes of wet umbrellas. Groups of teens headed into one of the few remaining gaming arcades in the city, while multi-generational families spilled out of restaurants, doggy bags of leftovers clutched in their hands.