Tag Archives: mm mpreg

Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg August 4


Hi Everyone

Let me start with a little housekeeping.

For some reason, the Look Inside is not working for The Alpha’s Vow. I’ve gone back and forth on this with Amazon and they are dealing with it, but need more time to sort it out.

My big achievement his week was making an icon for myself! Don’t laugh. This is huge–for me!

If you follow me on FB or receive my NL, you’ll know I’m a tech-know-nothing.

Yes, I created a website, newsletter, social media accounts etc, but not without a lot of stress. Instead of zipping, dashing or driving around the Internet, I blunder.

I used my new wineglass icon to sign up for the Blog Hop this week, and I thought I had it centered, but it’s not! Most people would probably shrug (no, let’s face it, most people would not have goofed like this) and say, “I’ll get it sorted for next week.”

But it’s driving me crazy, so I have to write to the very nice lady at Linkz, send her my icon and beg her to center it.

The observant among you may be asking, “How does she know about the woman at Linkz?”

Ummm, that’s a really good question… one that I am not prepared to answer at this time!!!!!

Update: The amazing Maria at Linkz did what I asked. Thank you, Maria (again).

New Book

I should have had this finished by now. My aim is to publish every two weeks, but I’ve been project managing some house repairs. That means jumping up and down about 100 times a day sorting out problems, so it’s been hard to concentrate.

I’ll make a huge push this weekend to get it done.

I said on FB or in a NL that I had chosen Trixie’s pic for the next book–and I had. But then I started searching again ‘cos that’s what I do! I have a folder on my laptop titled ‘Pig Pics’. Once The Alpha’s Word has been published, I have to make a decision.

That reminds me, when I told the designer what I wanted on the cover of The Alpha’s Vow, I sent her the ‘goggles’ pic. I really wanted the piglet on the cover, but we weren’t sure if it would work. I said, “If it doesn’t look good, the pig gets the chop.”


Sorry, Trixie. Glad it worked out!

Snippet from The Alpha’s Word


The alpha shrugged as he prepared dinner and cut up apple and carrot for Trixie. He sipped a glass of red wine while he cooked and handed his mate sparkling water with a splash of apple juice. “That’d be his mate, Jasper. My brother’s always joking about the fancy dress parties they attend. I can’t see the appeal myself. Why do they want to dress up? What’s the point?”
“I can see how some people would be into it.”
From the corner of his eye, Seb caught his mate grinning at him. “Am I amusing you? Am I such an old fuddy-duddy?”
“The answer to the first question is yes, and as to the second, no more than usual.” Max returned to the walk-in closet.
“You can take a pair of shoes if you want. Jasper owns plenty of sneakers. I’m sure he won’t notice. ”



Sexy Saturday Oh My Mpreg Bloghop #ohmympreg June 30

Hello Everyone

I managed to sort out of tech problems from last week, so hopefully those glitches are a thing of the past.

Here’s another snippet from my latest book which is virtually finished. I’m just adding the finishing touches.

This teaser follows on from the one last week.


He’d been at The White Wolf, the bar near the lake, drinking with friends. But the rest of the night was a blurred carousel of memories, though he recalled a fist colliding with his jaw. He rubbed his fingers through his bristly beard and winced as a dank musky odor filled his nostrils. That hurts.


And here’s another peek at the cover.

I mentioned my freebie shorts last week, but if you’re interested in reading about Lord Cuthbert Trenton’s brother, the Duke of Longmead, the Longmead Woods Trilogy is on a 99c kindle countdown until end of day, July 5.


The trilogy will be 99p in the UK store from July 2 until July 5.


Longmead Woods Trilogy. Alpha/Omega Mpreg. Out now!

Voices of the ancients whisper through the ages as Frederick, Duke of Longmead and Lord Nathaniel ‘Nate’ Elgin peel back the layers of darkness that envelope them and keep them apart.

Frederick, an alpha and a childhood friend of the king, spends his days on his estate but has never considered or needed a mate. But the nights are lonely so he heads to Hammond Manor to wallow in the company of omegas.

The omega, Nate, is an artist but subsidizes his work by swindling squires – though his evenings involve darker pursuits.

From their first meeting, the alpha and omega’s lives are upended by lust, grief, dread and euphoria that hover and swirl around them.

And the ever-present woods, like Frederick and Nate’s ancestors, stand proud and yet keep their secrets as the pair battle primeval urges, warnings and a prophesy as well as royals and nobles who try to destroy them and the kingdom.

The books in this trilogy are:

The Rogue’s Secret

The Rogue’s Baby

The Rogue’s Dilemma

Longmead Woods Trilogy